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  • Writer's pictureG.I.T.S.

First things to do with Termux

The first thing you should do is updating and upgrading your Termux machine, with; 'apt update' and 'apt upgrade'.

apt update && apt upgrade


Now set up your storage for your Termux by simply typing; 'termux-setup-storage' and simply click on allow to give the permission to access your storage. Now if you type; 'PWD' and check your current working directory it displays the Home directory right? So if you type; 'ls' and hit enter you will see a folder named storage is available. This 'ls' command is actually used to see all the available files and folders inside a directory.





Now type; 'cd storage' to open this storage folder.

cd storage


Again I should say this 'cd' command is used to change your current working directory. Now if you type; 'ls' you will see all your present folders of your Android device. Now we can control our file system from the Termux application.




Next we need to have some important packages installed in our system. We will be installing them right now and the first command is; 'apt install git curl wget' for installing these three packages. These three packages help us to download and clone files from the Internet.

apt install git curl wget

(If a package fails to install, try installing the package by separate. Ie. apt install curl).


The next packages are Nano and Vim, which are two text editors that have some cool advantages over other text editors and can be used from this Termux terminal.

apt install nano vim


After the installation type; 'apt install zip unzip' which going to help us compressing and extracting the zip files.

apt install zip unzip


Now we are going to install the Python packages in our Termux system. Type; 'apt install python python2 python3'. The Python package is the most important tool that you are going to take its advantages almost every time.

apt install python python2 python


Now we will install the Nmap tool in our system. Simply type; 'apt install nmap' and hit enter. Nmap is a popular network mapper tool that is used for checking the vulnerabilities in a particular network. Now we will install another most important tool that you are going to use every day. That is the Tor service. The Tor service is basically to be anonymous in the Internet.

apt install nmap

apt install tor


Last package in the list is the Apache server. The Apache HTTP server is a free and open source cross-platform web server software. Then we can host our own web pages from our local host and also for free simply type; 'apt install apache2' and hit enter.

apt install apache2


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